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Page 4 of results for query 'Coronavirus (COVID-19)'

Risk Owner: Sally Marshall Portfolio Holder: Andrew Williams ...

Apr 15, 2020 ... Police were given power to enforce the lockdown, and the Coronavirus ... inability to trade/operate during Covid 19 restrictions. The Council ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Cabinet, 22/09/2020 19:30

Sep 22, 2020 ... Coronavirus Covid-19: Guidance for Local Government. Procurement Policy Note 02/20 – Supplier Relief due to Covid-19. Glossary of acronyms and ...

Report for: Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny ...

Nov 4, 2020 ... scheme was also impacted by Covid-19. The contract has now been awarded and a start on site anticipated for Quarter 4 2020/21. Page 7. 7 ...

Report for: Cabinet Date of meeting: 24 November 2020 PART: 1 If ...

Nov 24, 2020 ... Overall in the General Fund a pressure of £3.1m is forecast, of which £3.0m results from the implications of coronavirus. ... of Covid-19.

Annual Report of the Health in Dacorum Committee for 2019/20 The ...

Director of Public Health, on Covid-19 (coronavirus). He was accompanied by C/Cllr Tim Hutchings, HCC's Executive Member for. Public Health and Prevention ...

Dacorum Borough Council Annual Report 2021-2022 - plain text ...

• Started work on our COVID-19 Memorial Garden to remember those who lost their lives in ... coronavirus pandemic, allowing families facing eviction to ...

Minutes Template

Jan 13, 2021 ... coronavirus and additional extreme pressures on NHS hospitals; a lockdown ... contact being restricted due to Covid-19 so we would have to find ...

Dacorum Borough Council - Statement of Accounts 2020/21

Apr 4, 2020 ... The coronavirus pandemic has presented ... compensate for the financial impact of Covid-19 and to provide rates relief to ratepayers.

Report for: Cabinet Date of meeting: 22 September 2020 PART: 1 If ...

Sep 22, 2020 ... Overall in the General Fund a pressure of £5.8m is forecast, of which £5.5m results from the implications of coronavirus. ... of Covid-19.

Dacorum Local Plan (2020 – 2038): Emerging Strategy for Growth ...

Oct 20, 2020 ... combat the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the local planning authority is encouraged to undertake an immediate review and update the ...