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Page 4 of results for query 'Farming'

Issue - items at meetings - Fly tipping

Nov 21, 2017 ... In relation to farmers, it has been an on going debate but there is not an easy solution. Councillor Timmis said that most of the fly ...

Agenda item - Fly tipping

In relation to farmers, it has been an on going debate but there is not an easy solution. Councillor Timmis said that most of the fly tipping is from ...

Hemel Hempstead

Felden Park Farms Ltd. Agent / developer. Bidwells. Other. -. Technical Studies Assessment a) Stage 2 Green Belt. Review and Landscape. Appraisal conclusions ...

Area 113.qxd

To the remainder of the area there is an emphasis on arable farming and a relatively dense settlement pattern centred around the villages of Long Marston ...

Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan ...

farming but livestock and dairy farming, which are crucial to the management of special habitats like chalk grassland, have been in decline for some time. 5 ...


1.1 Site and location. The site covered by this development brief comprises a number of fields, cut off from the main farming land by the A 41 bypass, ...

31 Bibliography

Farming &. Wildlife – A Practical Handbook for the Management,. Restoration and Creation of Wildlife Habitats on. Farmland. RSPB. Barr, C.J., Bunce, R.G.H. ...

Summary The application is recommended for approval. The site is ...

Feb 3, 2015 ... Cropping and Farming Operations. Applicant states the proposed ... It seems obvious that Felden Farms Ltd is bringing in grain from other farms, ...

20/03993/FUL General Purpose Agricultural Storage Building & Hay ...

Jan 18, 2021 ... ... farming (sheep, beef and dairy p 60), the AONB is a working landscape being a product of centuries of human interaction: Page 13. 'Farming ...

27 Pasqueflower species action plan

A decline in habitat quality was responsible for the loss of this species from most of its Hertfordshire locations. With the decline of sheep farming in the ...