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Page 4 of results for query 'Housing associations'

Custom and Self Build Demand Assessment Framework Final Report

Housing associations, local authority housing companies and specialist organisations such as the Community Self Build Agency can also bring forward ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Cabinet, 30/01/2018 19:30

Jan 30, 2018 ... on delivery of additional affordable homes by Housing Associations. It is proposed to avoid having to pay money back. The Council works ...

Dacorum Housing Strategy

Nov 21, 2011 ... affordable housing units delivered in partnership with Housing Associations. ... • Work closely with Housing Associations and Lea Valley Homes ...

Report for: Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and ...

Jan 10, 2017 ... councils and housing associations. This reduction has limited these organisations' plans to seek development land to build new homes for ...

Housing Allocations Policy

However, some housing associations will consider an unborn baby as a ... housing associations, whether by Deed of Assignment or by commencement of ...

Homeless or at risk - Housing

Oct 11, 2023 ... When we provide you with temporary accommodation, this does not guarantee that you will be offered a permanent council or housing association ...

Agenda Item: 10

Mar 21, 2012 ... Association and Local Authority) is allocated, although the document will not be binding for Housing Associations. The STP will be produced ...

Regulators' Code Private Sector Housing Team Statement

We have a dedicated Private Sector Housing team that works with private landlords, estate agents, home owners and housing associations to provide advice, ...'s-statement.pdf?...

13 March 2012 Agenda Item 9 Table of minor amendments Housing ...

Some housing associations have tenancy agreements stating the number of persons who can be housed in a property of a specific number of bedrooms. This may ...


Mar 13, 2013 ...Housing Association cross-subsidy. • Funds raised by Housing Associations from the development of and conversion to affordable rent. Value ...