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Page 4 of results for query 'Nature reserves'

Chilterns Beechwoods Letter - Natural England

Mar 14, 2022 ... Guidance on the application of the conservation of. Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 is provided in Annex 2. The scale of the ZOI is partly ...

Tribal's methodolology for Nottinghamshire

May 1, 2009 ... (c) Local Nature Reserves. (LNRs). (d) Chilterns Area of. Outstanding ... adjacent to West Hemel Hempstead is designated as a Local Nature Reserve ...

Core Strategies Supplementary Issues and Options Paper Growth at ...

Sites of Special Scientific Interest / Local Nature Reserves Yes/No. Listed ... Old Town is constrained by the presence of a conservation area and wildlife site ...

Looking After the Environment

(b) Biodiversity and Geological Conservation: Local Nature Reserves (LNRs). Existing designations shown on Policies Map to be retained. Sites of Special ...

Statement on behalf of Dacorum Environmental Forum for the ...

Is a reference needed in the policy to ecology and the link to Shrub Hill. Common Local Nature Reserve? ... established in the Local Nature Reserve, particularly ...


importance of the policies dealing with matters such as listed buildings, conservation areas, Sites of Special Scientific Interest and Local Nature Reserves.

Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan - Basic Conditions Statement

sports facilities or nature reserves, developing new resources such as ... of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation ...

Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan SEA Screening Determination ...

Oct 4, 2022 ... facilities or nature reserves, developing new resources such as allotments p. Ensure public footpaths are maintained and build new footpath ...

14 Otter species action plan

Otter-related events generally attract much attention. The value of such an animal in raising awareness generally about nature conservation, and the water ...

Management Plan 2014-2019 - A Framework for Action

Special Area of Conservation. National Nature Reserves. Site of Special Scientific Interest. AONB Boundary. Designated sites. Chilterns AONB Management Plan ...