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Page 4 of results for query 'Nuisance'

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Policy

Dec 22, 2023 ... • Conduct capable of causing (housing-related) nuisance or annoyance to any person. 4.2 Other relevant legislation as follows;. • Data ...

Empty homes

Aug 17, 2023 ... Why bring an empty home back into use? If left empty, properties can: cause a nuisance to local residents; be hazardous due to dilapidation ...

Application No 1

Sep 25, 2023 ... The Licensing Authority will interpret the term 'public nuisance' widely, and when considering this objective will take into account issues ...

Application No 1

Oct 5, 2021 ... nuisance, light pollution, noxious smells and litter. Page 30. 2.16 Public nuisance is given a statutory meaning in many pieces of legislation.

Application No 1

nuisance to the public or a section thereof. A degree of noise, for example, is an inevitable consequence of the provision of most forms of regulated ...

Application No 1

Jun 21, 2018 ... constitute a nuisance to the public or a section thereof. A degree of noise, for example, is an inevitable consequence of the provision of ...

Dacorum BC Community Impact Assessment (CIA) Template

Sep 1, 2019 ... nuisance behaviour in the relevant locations. Such behaviour could be aimed at people as a result of any visible/perceived protected.

Agenda item - Premises Licence application under the Licensing Act ...

... nuisance, and these were set out at Annexes D1 to D12. 6 representations supported the application, referring to the promotion of public safety if it was ...

Agenda item - 5.03 - 4/02121/15/FUL Mark House, Mark Road ...

Sep 3, 2015 ... Reason: To ensure that adequate precautions are implemented to avoid noise nuisance, in accordance with Policy CS32 of the Core Strategy. 3.

Application No 1

Nov 16, 2016 ... nuisance. This representation is set out at Annex C1. 3.2. The ... Nuisance and a Risk to Children. In addition parking would cause ...