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Page 4 of results for query 'Population'


population. It is vital that this work is in place before the growth happens. So essentially this plan guides what the Council will do regarding growth and ...

Inspector's Queries and Issues for Further Investigation Raised ...

Nov 1, 2012 ... section 5 in. 'Population Projections and the Core Strategy'(Examination Document BP6)). ... 2010-based sub-national population projections ...

Section 11: Understanding Specific Sub-Groups

... population in London Commuter Belt (West) comprised 12.8% of the total population, including 5.4% of the population who were White, but not. White British ...

Section 4: The Existing Dwelling Stock

Population of LCB (West) (Source: UK Census of Population 2001). -4.0%. -3.0%. -2.0%. -1.0%. 0.0%. 1.0%. 2.0%. 3.0%. 4.0%. 0. -4. 5. -9. 10. -15. 16. -24. 25. - ...

Kings Langley Housing Needs Assessment - Neighbourhood Plan

trends both in terms population growth and population demographics. Conclusions are drawn about suitability of the current housing stock in meeting the long ...

Berkhamsted Residents' Action Group Statements to the ...

Sep 18, 2012 ... report states that the population projections are based on “ONS 2008-based Sub National. Population Estimates” but ONS figures are only for ...

Chapter 4: Healthcare

NHS England use a population forecast of 2.4 people per dwelling to assess future demand for GP premises. With open access to unregistered patients and longer ...

Appendix A: Stakeholder Consultation

sub groups of the population, strategic planning, private sector housing and further education. Issues associated with six sub-groups of the population were ...

16 Bittern species action plan

The males advertise their territories by a characteristic deep booming noise which allows the breeding population to be well known. Up to the 17th century ...

towards 2021 - the Dacorum Sustainable Community Strategy

There are also real concerns about how we protect our natural environment whilst we are building more homes for our increasing population. Our Community ...