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Page 4 of results for query 'Premises licences'

Application for a premises licence to be granted under the Licensing ...

apply for a premises licence under section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the premises described in Part 1 below (the premises) and I/We are making this ...

Details of licensing application

Jun 3, 2024 ... accordance with regulation 26B or 38 of the Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises ... LA2003 s.17: Premises licence - New ...

Application for a provisional statement under the Gambling Act 2005 ...

The Act makes provision for a total of five types of Premises Licence: •. Casino Premises Licences. •. Bingo Premises Licences. •. Betting Premises Licences ( ...

Occasional and temporary use notices

Aug 17, 2016 ... If it is intended to provide gambling activities more frequently than either of these notice types allow, a premises licence will need to be ...

Notification of interest in a premises - Licensing Act 2003

However the licensing authority has no legal duty to notify any such interested persons of relevant licence applications if they have not given notice of their.

Varying a Premises Licence - Full variation

The holder of a Premises Licence may apply to vary some aspect(s) of it, such as: •. Adding additional licensable activities to the scope of the licence;.

Agenda item - Licensing Fees and Charges 2024-2025

Change of name or address on premises licence. 41.00. 45.00. -. 45.00. 9.8%. Premises licences – annual fees. Annual fee (payable 30 days after the licence ...

Agenda for Licensing and Health and Safety Enforcement ...

Premises licences – applications. Application for new premises licence. Band A. 100.00. 100.00. -. 100.00. 0.0%. Band B. 190.00. 190.00. -. 190.00. 0.0%. Band C.

Minutes Template

Dec 12, 2023 ... premises licence. 41.00. 45.00. -. 45.00. 9.8%. Premises licences – annual fees. Annual fee. (payable 30 days after the licence takes effect, ...

Application for licence to keep Dangerous Wild Animals

On what basis does the applicant(s) occupy this premises? Please tick ✓. Freeholder. Leaseholder. Tenant. Other – please state: Where the applicant ...