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Page 4 of results for query 'Rent'

PH Decision - PH-10-027 - Target Rents Refund

May 11, 2010 ... between the rent charged and the rent that would have been charged if target rent ... weekly rent charge has reverted to the formula rent.

Leaseholder handbook - Subletting your property

You can rent out your flat, but there are some guidelines you need to follow to do this. Renting out a leasehold property is known as 'subletting.' This ...


Jun 29, 2020 ... If you do not allow us in to do this, we will apply for a court order allowing us to enter your property. To pay your rent. Your rent is due on ...

Garage terms and conditions 2024

Tenants who rent their home from the Council may pay their garage rent ... the rent monthly in advance by Direct Debit. All new tenancies to pay a four ...

Tenant service charges - Rent

Apr 3, 2023 ... Tenant service charges · Window cleaning. Window cleaning is provided by an in-house team. · Cleaning. The housing cleaning service visits ...

Rents & Other Charges Policy

We will increase rents for higher earning tenants under the 'Pay to Stay' scheme in accordance with statutory guidance (see 2.4). We will charge rent over a 48 ...

Private landlords and managing agents

Apr 10, 2024 ... We're dedicated to making sure privately rented homes are safe and well managed. Most landlords follow the rules, but some knowingly rent out ...

Housing Rents

Due to the high volume of transactions and the income involved this is a high risk area, with budgeted rental income. The systems and controls in place for ...

Revised Final Report - Housing Rents

Rent Receipts. All rent owed is collected. Rent receipts are accurately and completely transferred to the rents system and are allocated to the correct tenant.

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

Jun 3, 2024 ... Tenants may also be able to claim back up to 12 months' rent via a Rent Repayment Order. Find out more in our: Private Rented Sector (PRS) ...