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Page 4 of results for query 'Rivers'

Agenda item - Building Control Service

Sep 10, 2019 ... 1. The Borough Council's Building Control service is transferred to Broste Rivers Limited, holding company of Hertfordshire Building Control ...

Engagement plan

Oct 31, 2021 ... We (the Environment Agency (EA)) are working with Dacorum Borough Council (DBC) and Affinity Water (AW) to help restore the River Gade.

Agenda item - Crematorium Governance

Jul 12, 2022 ... Agreed that the Lead Authority model be adopted and that Three Rivers District Council be the Lead Authority. 3. Agreed that a new Joint ...

Decision - Motions

... Rivers Gade, Ver and Bulbourne could be managed in the future so that they are maintained as healthy and vibrant chalk streams, these comments to be ...

23 White-clawed Crayfish species action plan

rivers, lakes, reservoirs and water-filled quarries. It prefers calcium-rich rivers and streams with a good water quality and not too much sediment. Shelter ...

24. Kings Langley Place Strategy

The majority of the village's employment land is located across the borough boundary in Three Rivers District. The Vision. Kings Langley will remain a ...

Contaminated land

Jul 4, 2024 ... significant pollution of surface waters (for example lakes and rivers) or groundwater. Examples of contaminating substances include: oils ...

23. Kings Langley Place Strategy

Sep 25, 2013 ... The majority of the village's employment land is located across the borough boundary in Three Rivers District. The Vision. Kings Langley ...

Scenario A 13 Houses (2 bed) Density: 25 DPH (on net site area) 31 ...

Dacorum BC, Three Rivers DC, Watford BC. N. Scenario A. 13 Houses (2 bed). Density: 25 DPH (on net site area). 31 DPH on net developable site area (allowing ...

14 Otter species action plan

river enhancement schemes. Releases of captive bred Otters have ... are highlighted (particularly regarding rivers of the. Ouse catchment as they ...