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Page 5 of results for query 'Air quality'

Agenda item - Q1 Environmental and Community Protection Update

... air quality analyser scheduled for Apsley, and the PM2.5 monitors scheduled for Swingate Lane, Bennetts End Road and Lawn Lane. A report had been drafted ...

Dacorum Borough Council Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating ...

identified for „greenhouse gas emissions‟ and „air quality‟. Option 2 allows ... To address existing or potential air quality problems. Material Assets.

The SEA/SA Appraisal Framework

To ensure that development proposals do not make existing air quality problems worse. To address existing or potential air quality problems. Material Assets. 8 ...

Spatial Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Jun 13, 2023 ... ... Air. Quality to enable influence at a national level as well as being the Chair of the Herts and Beds Air Quality. Group. The Annual Air Quality ...

Dacorum Borough Council Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating ...

by the Council as an Air Quality Management Area) has led to an adverse assessment in relation to „air quality‟. Adverse effects have been forecast for ...


Jun 10, 2015 ... Dacorum officers also sit on the new Hertfordshire Air Quality Planning Group which aims to improve air quality across Hertfordshire. An Air ...

Dacorum Borough Council Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating ...

Climatic Factors and Air Quality ... have a positive effect on local air quality. However, allowing for housing and economic development will contribute to ...

The SEA/SA Appraisal Framework

Air Quality. 7. Achieve good air quality, especially in urban areas. To reduce ... Number of days when air pollution reported as moderate or higher ...

Dacorum Borough Council Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating ...

Achieve good air quality, especially in urban areas. Air Quality. 8. Maximise the use of previously developed land and buildings, and the efficient use of land.

Agenda for Council on Wednesday, 22nd February, 2023, 7.30 pm

... air quality management area at North Church has been approved by Cabinet. ... It was also confirmed that capital funding has been secured to replace and relocate ...