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Page 5 of results for query 'Allotments'

DBC Site Assessment Study - Volume 1

Jan 10, 2020 ... and allotments; as long as the facilities preserve the openness of the Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of including land ...

Additional Burial Space to Serve the Tring Area

3.36 This option involves a cemetery extension of 1.6 – 1.8 hectares on agricultural land immediately south of Aylesbury Road and west of the existing ...

Agenda item - Environmental Services performance update Q3

Some improvements works at Windmill Road Allotments have been done with the help of Cllr England which has meant that the majority of plots are now in full use.

Hertfordshire County Council

Adjoins Cadwell Marsh and Old Hale Way. Allotments local wildlife sites (11/023 and 11/042 respectively). Neolithic remains have been found at the site.

“Options 1-4 are all considered suitable for development and there ...

home and allotments (Duckhall Farm is one of the sites identified on page 190 of the June 2012 Site ... allotments being delivered at Bovingdon.

Kings Langley Neighbourhood Plan - Examiner's Report

Aug 15, 2022 ... Canal, from employment to allotments, from design to public realm. ... places including allotments.81. This policy supports allotments and ...

Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Appendix B - Hemel Hempstead ...

Green infrastructure- Allotments. 225,000. Hectares of allotments required off-site. £0. £0. £0.00 s106/CIL. Developer/DBC. Natural Grass Pitches (NGP). 4.06.

Oxhey Ward Policy constraints Physical constraints G / U >5ha ...

Allotments. Only partially used. Large site. In residential area. R. Retain allotments. OXH 3. OXH 4. Longcroft. Garage courts. Adjacent to flats. No side ...

Finance and Resources OSC Action Points Date of meeting Action ...

Oct 1, 2020 ... date allotment waiting list figures which N Howcutt agreed he ... N Howcutt. As of the 1st October the waiting list for allotments is 603.

Sports venues

Apr 11, 2024 ... In this section. Allotments in Hemel Hempstead · Events · Parks, play and open spaces · Shopping and town centres · Sports venues · Sports ...