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Page 5 of results for query 'Canal'

Comments by P. J. Plato of Plato Estates Limited (Representor ID ...

The Council's comments imply a misunderstanding between the different types & uses of canal boats for which there are distinctly different planning ...

Spatial Strategy for the Town of Berkhamsted

The town is linear in nature with the main communication routes (road, rail and canal) running along the valley bottom. It has a population of 18,522 (2001 ...

Area 8.qxd

On the valley floor there is a mix of pasture, recreation including the canal, allotments, a football club, fishing and a number of major industrial sites. On ...

, 21 October 2021 - 4 November 2021

The current play area in Canal Fields contains equipment that is over 25 years. The play experience is not what it should be. The lack of inclusive play ...


Oct 22, 2024 ... If it's causing a pollution risk to a river or canal. Call the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506. Reporting fly-tipping to us. Please report ...


Canal and the Weston Turville Reservoir, built to supply the canal. The. Wendover Arm ends in the centre of Wendover and dries out at Drayton. Beauchamp to ...

Dacorum Borough Council

16.4 What is the Council's approach to the provision of moorings on the Grand Union. Canal and is it justified? 16.5 Is the settlement boundary for Wilstone ...

Berkhamsted Conservation Area

Cover photographs: (Main picture) – Narrow boats on the Grand Union Canal. Images left to right – St. Peter's Church, Houses on Chapel Street, The Old Court ...

insertion of four small conservation windows to rear roof slope bank ...

Oct 22, 2014 ... The building adjoins the. Grand Union Canal on its northern boundary with Old Mill Cottage to the west and. The Old Mill positioned south-west ...

Old Fishery Lane - Traffic Regulation Order Consultation Report

Apr 26, 2023 ... Concerns have also been raised with regards to vehicles parked in the turning head south of the canal bridge. 1.1.2 Dacorum Borough Council ...