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Page 5 of results for query 'Entertainment and events'

Applying for a Provisional Statement - Licensing Act 2003

boxing or wrestling entertainment rather than an indoor sporting event. •. Live music: no licence permission is required for: o a performance of unamplified ...

Minutes Template

Dec 13, 2016 ... He said they were able to have up to. 11 sexual entertainment events per year before applying for a licence. Resolved: 1. That the Licensing ...

Statement of Licensing Policy

One of the major concerns arising from outdoor events is disturbance to local residents from noise associated with music entertainment at the event, or other ...

Application No 1

Feb 28, 2021 ... In recent years, the Government has pursued a deregulatory agenda in respect of entertainment licensing for community events and lower-impact.


Licences and permitsTaxis and private hire, alcohol and entertainment, animal welfare, street trading, gambling and lotteries... ... Events. Hemel Reindeer ...

Statement of Licensing Policy

Oct 28, 2020 ... ... events is disturbance to local residents from noise associated with music entertainment at the event, or other noisy equipment such as ...

Template - Committee Report - Overview and Scrutiny

May 23, 2016 ... A temporary event notice was given to the licensing authority on 9 May 2016, by. Julius ROST, in respect of premises known as Norcott Court, ...

Applying for a Club Premises Certificate - Licensing Act 2003

boxing or wrestling entertainment rather than an indoor sporting event. •. Live music: no licence permission is required for: o a performance of unamplified ...


Dec 13, 2016 ... He said they were able to have up to. 11 sexual entertainment events per year before applying for a licence. Resolved: 1. That the Licensing ...

Varying a Premises Licence - Minor variation

Indoor sporting events: no licence is required for performances ... licensable as a boxing or wrestling entertainment rather than an indoor sporting event.