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Page 5 of results for query 'Environment'


Jun 9, 2023 ... The reported problems of plastic in our environment, from our soils to our seas, has shown us that it is more important than ever before to ...

Agenda for Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny ...

Cllr Anderson said that he would like to confirm – Nigel Howcutt is the Assistant Director for Finance and Resources, not our Environmental Sustainability ...

Agenda for Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny ...

The minutes of the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 6 February 2018 were confirmed by the members present and ...

Agenda for Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny ...

Jun 13, 2023 ... The Chair noted that any concerns or ideas could be raised with her outside of the meeting. Cllr Timmis commented on the use of acronyms and ...

Looking after the Environment

Sep 25, 2013 ... open spaces, biological and geological diversity and historic environment. • To promote the use of renewable resources, reduce carbon.

Agenda for Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny ...

Feb 6, 2018 ... The minutes of the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 23 January 2018 were confirmed by the ...

Agenda for Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny ...

Sep 13, 2016 ... The minutes of the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 14 June and 19 July 2016 were confirmed by ...

Looking After the Environment

The NPPF supersedes the advice formerly contained in PPSs and PPGs (most notably. PPS5: Planning for the Historic Environment, PPG7: The Countryside and. PPG9: ...

Agenda for Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny ...

Sep 21, 2016 ... L Crisp introduced the report and ran through the highlights of the report to members. In 2015, the Hemel Hempstead Ambassadors scheme was ...

Meeting of Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny ...

Jun 9, 2015 ... Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny ... SPAE-09-06-2015-Environment Quarterly Performance- Appendix 1 Neighbourh...