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Page 5 of results for query 'Farming'

Summary The application is recommended for approval. The site is ...

Feb 3, 2015 ... Cropping and Farming Operations. Applicant states the proposed ... It seems obvious that Felden Farms Ltd is bringing in grain from other farms, ...


From the early 5th century onwards farmers in the. Chilterns returned to subsistence agriculture as a result of the collapse of their markets and a reduced ...

Organisation Location Site / Designation proposed Hemel Hempstead

Felden Park Farms). • Land adj. A41. Housing. Box Moor Trust. • Various sites in Hemel. Hempstead. Housing. Marianne Barker (on behalf of Nick Gee). • 22 and ...

20/03993/FUL General Purpose Agricultural Storage Building & Hay ...

Jan 18, 2021 ... ... farming (sheep, beef and dairy p 60), the AONB is a working landscape being a product of centuries of human interaction: Page 13. 'Farming ...

Area 121.qxd

Apart from localized areas of medium scale arable farming, land use is essentially ... The predominantly. 19th century estate farms and cottages are generally of.

Area 94.qxd

Isolated farms are scattered over the plateau e.g. Westwick. Hall. In the ... livestock/arable farming where possible. • provide new uncropped or grass ...

archaeological assessments: stage 2: preliminary targeted field ...

Oct 24, 2013 ... The co-operation of the tenant farmers Mr Bob. Fidderman and Mr Colin Poole is also gratefully acknowledged. The project was monitored by Mrs ...

Area 7.qxd

Now there is an open estate feel, with isolated farms, e.g. Model Farm. ... livestock/arable farming where possible. • promote hedge improvement and ...

The SEA/SA Appraisal Framework

To support farming and countryside practices that enhance wider biodiversity and landscape quality by economically and socially valuable activities (e.g. ...


Dec 18, 2023 ... There is a Saturday and Wednesday street market, designer boutiques and a range of high street chains. There is also a Farmers' Market on the ...