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Page 5 of results for query 'Finance'

Agenda for Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Nov 13, 2019 ... Councillor Hollinghurst substituted for Councillor Symington. Councillor Elliot, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources, also gave his ...

Agenda for Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Nov 4, 2015 ... Following a Joint meeting of the OSC's where a budget presentation was given, the Finance and Resources OSC meeting began at 8.25pm.

FINANCE AND RESOURCES: Overview & Scrutiny Committees ...

FINANCE AND RESOURCES: Overview & Scrutiny Committees: Work Programmes 2016/17. Scrutiny making a positive difference: Member led and independent, Overview ...

FINANCE & RESOURCES Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Jun 7, 2022 ... F&R OSC- Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Report Author / Responsible Officer. Nigel Howcutt, Chief Finance Officer.

FINANCE AND RESOURCES: Overview & Scrutiny Committees ...

Jan 30, 2013 ... J Deane, Assistant Director, Finance &. Resources. Quarter 2 Forecast Financial. Outturn Report 2013/14. PM J Deane, Assistant Director, Finance ...

Clerk: Trudi Angel (x2224) 1 Finance and Resources Overview ...

Financial Strategy. Corporate Director, Finance &. Operations. 7 July. 2020. 26 June. 2020. Action Points (from previous meeting) ...

(Public Pack)Medium Term Financial Strategy Agenda Supplement ...

Oct 13, 2020 ... 1.1. The Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) is the Council's key financial planning document for the provision of General Fund services.

Download details for Meeting of Finance and Resources Overview ...

Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny, 04/12/2024. Click the following link to download an electronic calendar appointment file containing the details ...

Agenda for Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny on ...

The minutes of the Finance and Resources OSC meeting held on 1 February 2023 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman. 2. Apologies for ...

Agenda for Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Jun 8, 2021 ... Councillor Symington drew attention to the action point response. She asked if HCC (Hertfordshire County Council) had given their approval so ...