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Page 5 of results for query 'House to house collections'

Risk Register Summary & Detail Report Printable

Jun 30, 2023 ... Housing and Property Services. Risk Description. Council Tax & Business Rates collections rates drop below budget. Reference to Strategic.

Appendix Diii - Housing Community Committee Fees and Charges ...

House-to-house collections. Application for house to house collection licence. Street collections. All fees and charges are exclusive of VAT unless ...

Dacorum Life residents' magazine - Winter 2023 - plain text version

If you wish to receive fortnightly green-lidded bin collections you will need to subscribe and pay an annual fee. ... need to report damp and mould in your home - ...

Minutes Template

Feb 26, 2019 ... 4.2 (Charity Collections – House-to-House Collections). 4.2. Application for house to house collection licence. -. -. -. -. Page 17. 17. Cat.

(Public Pack)REVISED Licensing fees and charges 2024-2025 ...

Dec 12, 2023 ... House-to-house collections. Application for house to house collection licence. No fee. No fee. No fee. No fee. 0.0%. Street collections.

Licensing fees and charges – 1 April ... - Dacorum Borough Council

Apr 1, 2022 ... 4.2 (Charity Collections – House-to-House Collections). 4.2. Application for house to house collection licence. -. -. -. 5.1 (Hypnotism). 5.1.

Natural History Museum at Tring

Jul 4, 2016 ... The Natural History Museum at Tring houses the largest collection of stuffed mammals, birds, reptiles and insects in the UK. The museum ...

Proposed Fees & Charges - 2013/14 Appendix E Unit Measurement ...

Application for house to house collection licence. Unit. 0.00. 0.00. 0.00. 0.00 ... Bulk Collections - Concessions - Other individual items. Miscellaneous ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Licensing and Health and Safety ...

Feb 26, 2019 ... 4.2 (Charity Collections – House-to-House Collections). 4.2. Application for house to house collection licence. -. -. -. -. 5.1 (Hypnotism). 5.1.

Template - Committee Report - Overview and Scrutiny

Apr 1, 2023 ... Charity collections. House-to-house collections. Application for house to house collection licence. No fee. No fee. No fee. No fee. 0.0%. Street ...