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Page 5 of results for query 'Housing'

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Housing Matters is our monthly email newsletter for Council tenants and leaseholders. We want you to know what's going on in housing and property services.

Agenda for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

To receive any declarations of interest. A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the ...

COntinous REcording of Social Housing lettings and Sales (CORE)

Annex 1 – Privacy Notice for tenants/buyers of new social housing tenancies/sales. Page 2. CORE Data is collected on behalf of the Ministry of Housing, ...

Make a payment

Apr 11, 2024 ... Housing (standard rent payments), 8-digit account number, Top left-hand corner of current rent statement. Housing (contents insurance payments) ...

Requesting a review of homelessness or Housing Register decision

Jan 13, 2023 ... You must ask for your review within 21 days of us notifying you of a decision. After 21 days you have no right to a review, but we may consider ...

Agenda for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

It was noted that Cllr Hollinghurst and Cllr Suqlain Mahmood were at the Finance and Resources meeting, and that Cllr Harden was chairing another meeting. 59.

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan (December 2021)

1.1 The Housing Delivery Test (HDT) Result for Dacorum Borough Council was published by the Government in January 2021. The Council has under-.

Meeting of Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Documents available for browsing for meeting on 11/11/2015: Housing-11-11-2015-Agenda Front Page Only pdf icon PDF 242 K · Housing-11-11-2015-Agenda pdf ...

Monitoring reports and land position statements

Nov 28, 2023 ... The Government has introduced a new Housing Delivery Test. This measures how many new homes have been built in a local authority area over a ...

Flexicare - Housing

Flexicare. Flexicare is a flexible housing option for older people, allowing them to stay independent while making sure that they have all the support they need ...