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Page 5 of results for query 'Housing benefit'

Issue details - PH-007-24-Part 2-Housing Benefit Overpayment ...

Feb 5, 2024 ... PH-007-24-Part 2-Housing Benefit Overpayment Write-offs 2024 ... Contact: Stuart Potton, Revenues and Benefits Support Team Leader Email: stuart.

Strategic and Corporate Leadership Teams - Organisation Chart

Housing benefit. • Discretionary housing payments. Head of Financial Services (Deputy S151). Fiona Jump DD: 01442 228 162 (ext ...

Privacy policy - Revenues, Benefits and Fraud

May 11, 2023 ... ... Benefits. Act 1992, Housing Benefit Regulations 2006, Child Support, Pensions and Social Security Act 2000, Part 5, chapter 3 of the. Digital ...

[MazPSIA 010214] - Draft IA Portrait Report - [Area] - [Month Year]

systems of internal control in respect of Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support is available to those on a low income ...

Agenda item - Quarter 4 Performance Report - Finance and Resources

Jun 7, 2022 ... C Baker advised that housing benefit claims are only made once someone is in accommodation and that new claims for housing benefit are made ...

Moving home, change of address or changing name

Mar 27, 2024 ... You can also find links to information on when your bins are collected, updating and applying for housing benefit, applying for resident ...

Risk Register Summary & Detail Report Printable

Jun 30, 2023 ... Government subsidy for housing benefit expenditure is based on external audit certification of the claim made. There is financial risk if.

Issue history - PH-007-24-Part 2-Housing Benefit Overpayment ...

PH-007-24-Part 2-Housing Benefit Overpayment Write-offs 2024 · 21/03/2024 - Published decision: PH-007-24-Part 2-Housing Benefit Overpayment Write-offs 2024 ...


The service that Liberata will provide is the processing of Housing Benefit and Council ... Procurement Report CPU00409 – Housing Benefit Resilience ...

Agenda item - Universal Credit Update

Jun 5, 2019 ... L Warden updated on the Universal Credit report and asked if there was any questions. Cllr Adeleke asked about the impact on the rent arrears ...