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Page 5 of results for query 'Income support'

Dacorum Borough Council Capital Strategy 2024/25

To support long term income streams for the Council through regeneration and development programmes, which will support the Council's ongoing financial.

Dacorum Borough Council Annual Report 2021-2022 - plain text ...

We will seek to generate more income to support our service delivery and we ... • Proactively supported tenants to keep on track with their rent which maximised ...

Report for: Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny ...

Sep 8, 2020 ... moving on to Universal Credit, which may cause an initial delay in rental income ... The Income team are working very closely with tenants to ...

Cabinet Report October 2021 Covid Impact

Oct 19, 2021 ... The car parking income is supported by the government's income ... support 21/22 budgeted income reductions and £0.6m to support the ...

Agenda item - Strategic Asset Review

Jun 20, 2023 ... Cllr Symington noted the proposed review that will look to make the best use of council assets and generate long-term income streams to support ...

Strategic and Corporate Leadership Teams - Organisation Chart

• Commercial Programme support. AD Legal and Democratic Services. (Monitoring ... • Accounts Receivable and Income. • Payments Payroll and Right To Buy.


Feb 4, 2020 ... hence providing much needed income to support the good quality front line services DBC aspires to deliver. - The Finance support team have ...

(Public Pack)Finance and Resources OSC Annual Report 20-21 ...

Apr 14, 2021 ... financial help with for example universal credit delays, rent arrears support and grants. The committee were informed that the there was a ...

Local Housing Allowance

Apr 3, 2024 ... The amount of benefit you can claim depends on: your income; how much you have in savings; how much your rent is; whether we expect anyone ...

Report for: Cabinet Date of meeting: 22 September 2020 PART: 1 If ...

Sep 22, 2020 ... moving on to Universal Credit, which may cause an initial delay in rental income ... The Income team are working very closely with tenants to ...