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Page 5 of results for query 'Planning and development'

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Can developments be liable for CIL and S106 Planning Obligations? · How has my CIL been calculated? · How much CIL will I pay? · How is the development measured?

Sustainability Appraisals

Sep 21, 2016 ... We have used these independent sustainability appraisals to help inform the development of the Core Strategy. Local Planning Framework. Initial ...

Monitoring reports and land position statements

Nov 28, 2023 ... The residential and employment position statements provide an annual snapshot of development that has or is progressing towards planning ...

Proposals Map - Planning policies

Jul 28, 2020 ... Home · Planning and development · Planning policies; Proposals Map. Proposals map. The proposals map accompanies the written statement polices ...

Sustainable development

Dec 9, 2019 ... A strategy plan and set of settlement principles are provided for each of the towns and villages. These define the broad "Urban Design Zones" ...

Evidence base for the new single local plan

Evidence base documents · Housing delivery · Employment development · Retailing and other town centre uses · Climate change and sustainability · Environment and ...

Conservation areas

Apr 29, 2022 ... Planning and development · Conservation and design; Conservation areas. Conservation areas. What is a conservation area? Conservation areas are ...

Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation

If nothing is done, new development will lead to further visitor pressures and damage to the integrity of the SAC. As a result, the way we deal with planning ...

Hemel Garden Communities

Jun 6, 2022 ... Planning and development · Planning policies · New Dacorum Local Plan ... The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill will put beauty and nature at the ...

Site Allocations 2015

Jun 25, 2018 ... ... (development plan document). This followed on from feedback we ... planning considerations when determining planning applications. What ...