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Page 5 of results for query 'Smoking'

Fire Safety Policy

Smoking and/or vaping is not permitted in any internal communal areas, or ... LD3 refers to smoke detection covering escape routes e.g. hallways and landings.

Agenda item - Premises Licence application under the Licensing Act ...

... smoking area. He said there was an outdoor area and outside drinking was permitted in that area. There was also an area in front of the bay windows which ...

Application No 1

Nov 16, 2016 ... in the street smoking and drinking. Causing a public nuisance and ... and smoking on the public highway. Being open until nearly 2400 ...


Feb 12, 2013 ... use the terrace as a smoking area as it would reduce the number of individuals using the street for smoking. Councillor Mrs Green queried if ...

Pests we treat

Apr 24, 2023 ... For heavier infestations, we will consider the use of insecticidal fogs or smoke generators. If we use either of these, you should not enter ...

Fire safety for leaseholders

Or is there an intumescent smoke seal (or combination) fitted? (Picture of a smoke seal below). 7. Is the door self-closing? i.e. when you let it go it will ...

Tenant Inspectors – Quarter Three

She also thought it had taken a long time to complete the roofing work another tenant said she heard a lot of bad language and workers had been smoking in the ...

Application No 1

Apr 16, 2016 ... There is also no smoking shelter or policy procedure for the bar ... They do not have a designated smoking area,unless they are smoking on the ...

Vehicle seizure notices

Feb 2, 2021 ... Smoke free Dacorum · Dacorum Environmental Forum · High hedges · Environmental permits · Vehicle seizure notices. Thanks for your feedback.

Proposal to introduce a Public Space Protection Order for Hemel ...

Problems relating to drugs e.g. smoking cannabis in public etc. 4%. Public urination/defecation is a problem/disgusting smell/unhygienic. 4%. Other. 14%. (Base ...