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Page 6 of results for query 'Biodiversity'

Climate change and sustainability

... Biodiversity and nature recovery · Grants · Recycling, reducing and reusing. Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 04 June 2024 at 10:30 AM. In this section.

21 Grizzled Skipper species action plan

A Biodiversity Action Plan for Hertfordshire ... Nationally, this species is not highlighted for specific conservation action in Biodiversity: The UK Steering ...

9 Farmland habitat action plan

The biodiversity of improved grassland is low. Fertiliser use stimulates the growth of competitive grasses and a few broadleaved plants, such as docks, at ...

Dacorum Local Development Framework Core Strategy – Pre ...

Biodiversity The proposed delivery of a new north-eastern relief route could have negative implications on biodiversity, depending on the route/land take.

13 Natterer's Bat species action plan

A Biodiversity Action Plan for Hertfordshire. < Return to contents page. 13.1. 13 Natterer's Bat species action plan. 13.1. Introduction. The basic requirements ...

Dacorum Emerging Strategy for Growth (2020 - 2038)

Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure: As part of delivering a net gain in biodiversity, deliver biodiversity enhancements along the River. Bulbourne/ Grand ...

Appendix 1: Plans, Programmes and Policies examined

biodiversity loss, reducing pollution and resource use. Under the EAP ... Ensures biodiversity considerations are embedded in all main sectors of economic ...

Dacorum Local Development Framework Core Strategy ...

Biodiversity The proposed delivery of a new north-eastern relief route could have negative implications on biodiversity, depending on the route/land take.

Dacorum Borough Council Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating ...

Biodiversity Action Plan habitats and species in line with local targets. Biodiversity. 2. To protect, maintain and enhance water resources (including water ...

6 Heathland and acid grassland habitat action plan

biodiversity protection. Hertfordshire's heaths and acid grasslands could form a strategic link between those of central southern England and East Anglia ...