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Page 6 of results for query 'Council tax'


Apr 10, 2024 ... Information about Council Tax Support and Housing Benefit. ... If you have handed in a new claim for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support ...

Title of report: Council Tax Base 2020/21 Contact: Cllr Graeme Elliot ...

Dec 15, 2020 ... 3.1 On an annual basis, all local authorities are required to calculate a Council. Tax Base which is used to set the level of Council Tax.

(Public Pack)Council Tax Declaration 2021/22 Agenda Supplement ...

Feb 24, 2021 ... (b) the amounts in Table 1 of this report (Tax Base for each part of the Council's area to which one or more special.

(Public Pack)Council Tax Base Report & Support Scheme Agenda ...

Dec 12, 2023 ... Report for: Cabinet. Title of report: Revisions to the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2024/25, the Council Tax Base 2024/25.

(Public Pack)Council Tax Declaration 2016/17 Agenda Supplement ...

Feb 24, 2016 ... (b) the amounts in Table 1 of this report (Tax Base for each part of the Council's area to which one or more special.

Issue - items at meetings - Council Tax Base Report

In terms of the council tax base set for 23/24, they were seeing a 1% increase, which they have modelled in the budget, so from that perspective it is in line ...

(Public Pack)Council Tax Declaration 2019/20 Agenda Supplement ...

Feb 20, 2019 ... as the Council Tax requirement and is divided by the Council Tax base to determine the “basic amount” of the Council Tax for the year. At ...

Decision - Council Tax Base

That the Collection Fund surplus estimate of £635,281.80 as at 31 March 2016 be approved. 2. That the calculation of the Council's tax base for the year ...

Council Tax

Sep 3, 2020 ... effectiveness of the internal controls in place at the Council for managing council tax. Directed. Delivery. Governance Framework: There is a ...

Garden Waste Subscription Service

Apr 2, 2024 ... I already pay Council Tax, why are you charging me twice ...