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Page 6 of results for query 'Entertainment and events'

Agenda for Licensing and Health and Safety Enforcement ...

Councillor Mrs Bassadone recalled an application being made to the sub-committee for a sexual entertainment ... entertainment events per year before applying for ...

Templates - Portfolio Holder decision

May 21, 2021 ... Supply Chain to the events and entertainment sector. This industry has been hardest hit by the pandemic and the closure of the events and ...

Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Feb 1, 2023 ... ... event type preferences. They are contacted via email with information on upcoming OTH events and activities that align with their ...

Dacorum Life residents' magazine - Summer 2024

Ron's portfolio also includes our events programme, putting on fantastic free events ... entertainment and activities on such a beautiful, sunny day. Thank you to ...

Applying for a Provisional Statement - Licensing Act 2003

boxing or wrestling entertainment rather than an indoor sporting event. •. Live music: no licence permission is required for: o a performance of unamplified ...

Premises licences

Jan 2, 2019 ... ... events happening elsewhere; Bingo - premises at which games of commercial prize bingo are regularly played; Family entertainment centres ...

Varying a Premises Licence - Full variation

entertainment rather than an indoor sporting event. •. Live music: no licence permission is required for: o a performance of unamplified live music between ...

Sex Establishment Licensing Policy

Dec 1, 2021 ... entertainment will generally be deemed to be “relevant entertainment”:- ... However, if the events were held on the 1st September and the ...


May 9, 2012 ... A wide range of activities are organised and the events are planned and managed by the community with the support of DBC. Community Payback ...

Varying a Premises Licence - Minor variation

licensable as a boxing or wrestling entertainment rather than an indoor sporting event. •. Live music: no licence permission is required for: o a performance ...