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Page 6 of results for query 'Food hygiene'


Nov 22, 2016 ... Environmental Health (Food Safety, Health and Safety, Statutory ... 2.1 Slippage continues in Quarter 2 for Food Hygiene inspections (A-C.

Template - Overview and Scrutiny Report

Jun 19, 2018 ... Environmental Health Team. (Team Leader- Paul O'Day). Food Hygiene, Health and Safety Enforcement, Infection Control,. Environmental Protection ...


Jun 14, 2016 ... Food Hygiene Rating Scheme. The inter-authority audit is part of a nationwide initiative overseen by the Food Safety Agency. Overall we were.

Agenda for Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny ...

Sep 13, 2016 ... C Troy said that he expected food hygiene inspections in Q2 to be behind but hoped to see the work caught up by Q3. There aren't that many ...

Spatial Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Mar 14, 2023 ... 2.1. ECP09, Number of High risk food hygiene inspections carried achieved within the quarter is 58.70%. This is due to the backlog of ...

Agenda item - Announcements

Jul 15, 2015 ... ... food hygiene /safety requirements. These were for food hygiene contraventions and failure to implement an effective food safety management ...

Private sector housing enforcement policy

inspections of food businesses under the food hygiene legislation will include what will be required to meet food safety legal requirements and our officers ...

Spatial Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Jun 13, 2023 ... 2.1 ECP09, Number of High risk food hygiene inspections carried achieved within the quarter was 80%. The Food. Safety Recovery Plan has been ...

Minutes Template

Sep 13, 2016 ... for food hygiene inspections. There is a staff shortage and the current officers have been working overtime to get inspections up to date ...

Template - Overview and Scrutiny Report

Mar 12, 2019 ... 3.6 Several long standing cases for both Food Hygiene and Health and Safety ... Monica Vitorino was the Lead Officer in a Food Hygiene Prosecution.