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Page 6 of results for query 'Graffiti'


Graffiti removed from. Dacorum. Structures within 7 days. WR01a -. Justified. 52. 70. 31. Craig Thorpe. Shirley. Hermitage. Melanie Parr. Info Only. Info Only.

Report for: SPAE Overview & Scrutiny Committee Date of meeting ...

Sep 19, 2018 ... • Removal of graffiti. • Removal and disposal of road kill. • Management of Trees on behalf of Herts County, Housing, Dacorum owned land ...

GAD1 Housewood End garage courts large site with frontage to ...

graffiti. Good frontage to open space. R in good condition & evidence of use ... Graffiti present. surrounded by residential and open space. R in average ...

Quarterly Performance by GM Service

CSG05 - Graffiti Removal - Percentage removed from Dacorum Structures within 7 days. Craig Thorpe. Shirley. Hermitage. 93.55%. (29/31). Target: 95.00. 94.74%. ( ...


Graffiti. Removal -. Percentage removed from. Dacorum. Structures within 7 days. WR01a: CMT AND. OSC-FR. Craig Thorpe. Shirley. Hermitage. Camille. McCawley. 67 ...

Quarterly Performance by GM Service

CSG05 - Graffiti Removal - Percentage removed from Dacorum Structures within 7 days. Craig Thorpe. Shirley. Hermitage. 96.67%. (29/30). Target: 95.00. 93.33%. ( ...


Graffiti. Removal -. Percentage removed from. Dacorum. Structures within 7 days. Dec-2018. Report To. Indicator. Owner. Updater &. Secondary. Results. Dec-18.

Community Impact Assessment

ASB such as graffiti, Fly-tipping and accumulations. On the specific target community/ location. e.g. if the project is based in a specific area or targeted ...

Report for: SPAE Overview & Scrutiny Committee Date of meeting ...

Mar 20, 2018 ... • Removal of graffiti. Page 3. • Removal and disposal of road kill. • Management of Trees on behalf of Herts County, Housing, Dacorum owned.

Report for: SPAE Overview & Scrutiny Committee Date of meeting: 7 ...

Jun 7, 2016 ... • Removal of graffiti. Page 3. • Removal and disposal of road kill. • Management of Trees on behalf of Herts County, Housing, Dacorum owned.