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Page 6 of results for query 'Income support'

Council Tax Support Consultation

Nov 24, 2023 ... not have had the support or advice to make the claim for support. ... Support should be income based too. Anonymous. 11/04/2023 09:52 AM. 1 ...

Agenda for Cabinet on Tuesday, 20th June, 2023, 7.30 pm

... income streams to support wider service delivery and achieve strategic objectives. D Barratt provided an overview of the proposal, advising that the work ...

Report for: Cabinet Date of meeting: 22nd September 2020 Part: 1 If ...

Sep 22, 2020 ... income streams, Commercial Property and Garages, are not eligible for support. 1.9. The table below provides an update on the Council's key ...

Agenda for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Nov 4, 2020 ... Cllr England mentioned point 3.4 where additional funding for Covid 19 of £2.5m that the council has had and £1.3m income guarantee support.

Appendix Bi - General Fund Budget Change Analysis 2021-22

Staff resources to support additional PPA income. Sara Whelan. 110. South West Herts Joint Strategic Plan costs. James Doe. 100. Hemel Garden Communities ...

Dacorum Borough Council Capital Strategy 2020/21

• maximising revenue income to support provision of General Fund services; and,. • contributing to the delivery of local housing in a high-demand market.

Community Impact Assessment

Universal Credit report for Homes and Communities and O&SC. The report sets out the current situation of Universal Credit (UC) on a national basis and more.

Decision - Feeding Hungry Children

Nov 26, 2020 ... supports the calls by the Child Food Poverty Task Force, supported ... Universal Credit or with low-income and no recourse to public funds.

Decision - Test and Trace Support Payment.

Oct 12, 2020 ... This payment is designed to support people on low incomes, if they lose income as a result of self-isolating, and to encourage them to get ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Cabinet, 16/03/2021 18:30

Mar 15, 2021 ... £2.1m reduced income, net of government income support (paras 1.4 – 1.6 ) ... finalised its Income Support Scheme, forecasts against most income ...