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Page 6 of results for query 'Infectious waste'

Template - Overview and Scrutiny Report

Mar 23, 2021 ... Infectious Diseases, Air Quality Management, High Hedges) ... properties were filled from top to bottom with waste through hoarding activities.

Template - Overview and Scrutiny Report

Sep 22, 2021 ... Water Supplies, Infectious Diseases, Air Quality Management ... Burning of Commercial Waste Policy, Legionella Management System, Violence.

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Strategic Planning ...

Jun 13, 2023 ... Cllr Beauchamp commented on residual waste and asked if this refers to black bin waste or ... Infectious Diseases, Air. Quality Management ...

(Public Pack)Appendix A-C Agenda Supplement for Housing and ...

Jun 8, 2016 ... An outbreak of infectious disease for example could spread ... work carried out as part of the move to the new waste service. This ...

1 Appendix F Question 7. Are there any other dog related issues that ...

Nov 12, 2018 ... infectious as anybody elses. • Disabled people shouldn't be ... waste can be put in any general waste bin? I feel if more people ...

Agenda for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

... infectious diseases outbreaks; and two successful prosecutions for fly tipping. ... waste bins'. CT advised that the team are looking at the worst areas to ...

pet animals act 1951 licensing conditions for pet shops within the ...

Note: Attention should be paid to the method approved for the disposal of animal waste and its potential hazard to health. ... infectious or contagious disease or ...

Minutes Template

Jun 10, 2015 ... Mail under Health & Safety Enforcement; efficient handling of infectious ... further provision of 'dog waste bins'. CT advised that the team are ...


Jun 10, 2015 ... efficient handling of infectious diseases outbreaks; and two successful prosecutions for fly ... waste bins'. CT advised that the team are ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Strategic Planning ...

Nov 24, 2021 ... including Economic Development, Estates, Finance, Planning, Waste and ... Approximately 4 FTE work will work on food safety and infectious disease ...