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Page 6 of results for query 'Woodlands'

Agenda item - 4/01534/19/FUL - DEMOLITION OF EXISTING ...

... WOODLANDS, NOAKE MILL LANE, WATER END, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HP1 3BB. Meeting of Development Management, Thursday, 26th September, 2019 7.00 pm (Item 281 ...

Trees in conservation areas

Jan 20, 2020 ... ... Woodlands team. For help in completing the form, please read the Planning Portal's Tree works application guidance notes (PDF 183KB). Please ...

Area 111.qxd

The woodlands have been noted for scarce plants, notably several orchids, Wood Barley and Common Wintergreen at its only Hertfordshire locality, although ...

Urban Capacity Study - Appendix B - Site Assessment Proformas Tring

Ancient Woodland. Site does not contain any Ancient Woodland. SSSIs. The site is approximately 790 metres to the north of Tring Woodlands. SACs. The site is ...

Chipperfield Common SANG Management Plan

Revised borough-wide woodland inspection programme. Red-zoned woodlands such as. Chipperfield Common are formally inspected every two years. Formal inspections ...


hanging woodlands of the scarp and valleys. It is the extent of woodland in ... The extensive areas of ancient woodland, secondary woodland and ...

Area 108.qxd

hanging woodlands associated with the steep sides of the. Gutter, partially re-planted with conifer, but deriving from typical calcareous beech/ash woodland.

Area 120.qxd

National Trust) and now regenerating secondary woodland. Within these woodlands are 'dells' which were caused by gravel digging on the common. The former ...

Land at Icknield Way, Tring, Hertfordshire Landscape and Visual ...

Feb 3, 2009 ... hanging woodlands of the scarp and valleys. It is the extent of woodland in general, and of the beech woods in particular, which ...

Area 116.qxd

The scarp woodlands are important for some plants, including whitebeam, Fly ... woodland linking with the plateau to the east. The. Ridgeway footpath ...