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Page 7 of results for query 'Campaigning'


Oct 18, 2012 ... difference is the fact that they may have campaigned against or for a proposal will now not be taken as proof that they are not open-minded ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Council, 18/11/2020 18:30

Nov 18, 2020 ... That the extension of the school meals voucher scheme (campaigned for by Marcus Rashford) to cover the period of the summer holiday was.

, 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020

Jan 1, 2020 ... That children who are hungry are less able to learn and thrive at school. e. That the extension of the school meals voucher scheme (campaigned ...

Dacorum Core Strategy Examination - Issue 6 - 17 09 12 FINAL .docx

Sep 10, 2012 ... Local people have actively campaigned to protect remaining open spaces. As the. Localism Act makes clear, it is time to give them a say. Page ...

Dacorum Core Strategy Examination -Issue 11 Berkhamsted 12.09 ...

Sep 12, 2012 ... Local people have actively campaigned to protect remaining open spaces. As the. Localism Act makes clear, it is time to give them a say. Page ...