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Page 7 of results for query 'Community grants'

(Public Pack)Minutes Document for Housing and Community ...

Dec 4, 2018 ... Community Grants and asked; has the criteria changed in the last 12 months, stating that it has come to attention that religious groups are ...

Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Mar 13, 2024 ... 4.1. Community grants are forecasting a new underspend of £0.080m at quarter 3 as a result of a reduction in applicants compared to previous ...

Report for: Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny ...

Jul 3, 2019 ... Community Grants. Community Grant funding have 3 funding rounds a year. Groups putting forward projects / applications which are aimed at ...

Portfolio Holder Decision Notice

Apr 12, 2022 ... The club have applied to the community grants scheme for a grant as ... There are three rounds of Community Grant funding per financial year.

Agenda for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Councillor Adeleke asked about community grants and how are they policed to ... A Care said there was three grants rounds a year. If a community group ...

Dacorum Compact

community sector (VCS), for the benefit of Dacorum communities. Working ... DBC Community Grants now more up to date and transparent with an online.

Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Mar 5, 2024 ... The additional grant funding includes New Burdens funding to administer ... Community grants are forecasting a new underspend of £0.080m at ...

What's newly published

Jul 11, 2023 ... 04/07/2023 - Decision published: To approve Community Grants for the spring 2023 round; Assistant Director - Place, Communities and Enterprise ...


Mar 3, 2021 ... 1 The Community Safety Team has continued to work with charities through the. DEFRA grant fund providing funding ... Green Community Grants; A41 ...

Minutes Template

Feb 22, 2023 ... Cllr Banks advised that the next round of community grants will be running in April and additional points are being awarded for those ...