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Page 7 of results for query 'Conservation areas'

Dacorum BC Community Impact Assessment (CIA) Template

Feb 1, 2023 ... Policy / service / decision. Markyate Conservation Area Character Appraisal. Description of what is being impact assessed.

Summary The application is recommended for approval. The ...

... area; and. (d) does not adversely affect highway and public safety. Within Conservation Areas the advertisement makes use of natural or other materials which ...

AREA 1 - The Character and Appearance of the CA (SW)

5.1. Berkhamsted Conservation Area covers a large urban area of approximately 98 hectares, the second largest conservation area in the Borough, ...

Appendix 4: Glossary

Sep 25, 2013 ... Conservation Area Areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character, appearance or setting of which it is desirable to ...

Area 107.qxd

Flaunden, Bovingdon and Chipperfield Conservation Areas. Landscape Conservation Area ( to south west). Landscape Conservation Area (along the south west). Area ...

5e 24/00318/LBC Removal of tiles from front elevation and ...

Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Policy CS27 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013) and Section 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework (December ...


Development will positively conserve and enhance the appearance and character of conservation areas. Negative features and problems identified in conservation ...

Dacorum Borough Council Neighbourhood Management Trees and ...

These comprise of a network of access paths through areas managed for their nature conservation value. Public Housing Land. Residents living in tenanted ...

Appendix B - Site Assessment Proformas Kings Langley

Areas. The site is not within 800m of a designated AQMA. Agricultural Land ... Site is unlikely to impact upon a designated conservation area. Listed ...

Planning - Character Appraisals - Aldbury Consultation

Conservation areas are designated under the provisions of. Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Building and. Conservation Areas) Act 1990. A conservation area ...