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Page 7 of results for query 'Council tax benefit'

There was no public participation.

Jan 8, 2013 ... the localisation of Council Tax support resulted in Council Tax benefit being replaced ... payable under the existing Housing and Council Tax ...

Report for: Cabinet Date of meeting: 16 September 2014 PART: 1 If ...

Sep 16, 2014 ... CTB – Council Tax Benefit. CTS - Council Tax Support. DCLG – Department for Communities and Local Government. DWP - Department for Work and ...

Customer feedback and complaints

Jul 1, 2024 ... Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) is responsible for: Maintenance ... Appeal a Housing Benefit decision · Appeal a refusal of planning ...

Template - Committee Report - Cabinet

Jun 28, 2016 ... CTB – Council Tax Benefit. CTS - Council Tax Support. DBC - Dacorum Borough Council. DCLG – Department for Communities and Local Government. EIA ...


Jan 8, 2013 ... treatment under Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit regulations. It is proposed that there will be a flat rate deduction of £15.00 per ...

Council Tax Support Scheme 2024

council tax benefit” means council tax benefit under Part 7 of the SSCBA;. Page 12. Page 12 of 239. “couple” has the meaning given by paragraph 4;. “the DACYP ...

Garden Waste Subscription Service

Apr 2, 2024 ... Why we charge · Why do you charge? Not everyone needs a garden waste collection service. · I already pay Council Tax, why are you charging me ...

Agenda item - Internal Audit 2020/21 Progress Report

Meeting of Audit, Wednesday, 11th November, 2020 6.30 pm (Item 26.) Service Reports: NNDR. Council Tax. Housing Benefit. Budgetary Control. Minutes:.

Council Tax - discount for severe mental impairment application form

ncil Tax Disc ount Application. Signed. Print name. Telephone Number. Please provide evidence of the benefit that the person who is severely mentally impaired ...

[MazPSIA 010214] - Draft IA Portrait Report - [Area] - [Month Year]

Housing Benefits and Council Tax Support at Dacorum Borough Council. ... on the Housing Benefit/Council Tax Support system are regularly reconciled to the Housing.