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Page 7 of results for query 'Damp and mould'

Dacorum Home Energy Conservation Act Progress Report 2021-2023

... damp and mould from vulnerable private residents' ... They advise on how heating controls can be used effectively and how to ventilate sufficiently to prevent ...

Council Briefing Note 15th November 2023

Nov 15, 2023 ... Condensation, Damp and Mould. Workshops have been held with approx. 60 residents to increase awareness and provide research data within the ...

... Damp and Mould Removal to Housing Assets.,Asset Management,01/02/2023,31/07/2023,N/A,"£74,999.99",N/A,BSG Property Services Ltd,No,Yes,No,Invitation to ...

Agenda item - Announcements

Feb 22, 2023 ... ... damp and mould, and is increasing resources to improve aids and adaptations delivered. Work has started on the Asset Management strategy ...

Agenda item - Announcements

Nov 23, 2022 ... Cllr Tindall referred to having dealt with issues of damp and mould in the 80s in London as a Cllr, so he knows the problems and wondered if ...

Agenda for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

... damp and mould in the home, and that the council had taken on board extensive guidance from central government. Cllr Dhyani congratulated the team on the ...

Private Sector Housing - Houses in Multiple Occupation leaflet

Damp and Mould. • Excess Cold. • Electrical Safety. • Falls on Stairs. • Security. • Overcrowding. There are also other requirement levels for basic amenities ...

Agenda for Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny on ...

... damp and mould issues and council housing stock. Councillor Chapman asked if they will check all housing with this additional money or if they would only ...

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

Damp and Mould. • Excess Cold. • Electrical Safety. • Falls on Stairs. • Security. • Overcrowding. There are also other requirement levels for basic amenities ...

Agenda for Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny on ...

... damp and mould issues. Large growth has been factored into the HRA budget for 2023-24, though it will be a challenging budget as cost pressures increase. On ...