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Page 7 of results for query 'Entertainment licences'

Gaming machines in pubs and bars

Oct 19, 2022 ... Be licensed to supply alcohol, for consumption on those premises (off-licences are not eligible), ... Family entertainment centre gaming machine ...

Sex Establishment Licensing Policy

1.6. Businesses operating premises, vehicles, vessels or stalls, as sex shops, sex cinemas, or sexual entertainment venues, must hold appropriate licences ...

Application for a review of a premises licence under the Gambling ...

Family Entertainment Centre Premises Licences (for amusement arcades open to all). ... In addition, the authority also issues permits for lower-value gaming ...

Template - Committee Report - Overview and Scrutiny

Jul 28, 2015 ... entertainment licensing. This report focusses on the changes to taxi ... driver's licences as three years, and for private hire operator's ...

Template - Committee Report - Overview and Scrutiny

Jan 26, 2016 ... ... licence review/revocation powers being introduced. This would mirror the Licensing Act 2003 (alcohol/entertainment licences) , and would see.

Minutes Template

Dec 12, 2023 ... Application Licence Total fee. % change. Alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment licences. Club premises certificates – applications.


Feb 12, 2013 ... licensing authority in respect of alcohol, entertainment and gambling licences. In respect of taxi licensing, the Administrative Court ...

Agenda item - Licensing Fees and Charges 2016-17

... licence. Alcohol and entertainment licence fees were fixed nationally by the Government and were unchanged since 2005. He said the LGA had been campaigning ...

Agenda for Licensing and Health and Safety Enforcement Sub ...

A presentation will be delivered by Dawn Morrish, Hertfordshire County Council. 6. Review of Licensing Policies for Alcohol, Entertainment and Gambling Licences ...

Template - Committee Report - Overview and Scrutiny

Jul 28, 2015 ... Review of licensing policies for alcohol, entertainment and gambling licences. Contact: Ross Hill – Licensing Team Leader, Legal Governance.