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Page 7 of results for query 'Historic buildings'

We write to formerly object to planning application to build in the ...

Sep 8, 2016 ... rare historic building. I am passionate about Historic buildings and ... footpath is not between Loxley Farm and the new buildings.

Summary The application is recommended for approval. The ...

The application includes a detailed Historic Building Appraisal which adequately details ... of Ancient Buildings/ The Georgian Group/ The Victorian Society. No ...

Annex 2: Analysis of On-Line Survey for Berkhamsted Conservation ...

The rear elevations of historic buildings. 12. 20. 9. 6. 0. (25.5%). (42.6%). (19.1%). (12.8%). (0.0%). The continued use of matching materials for extensions.

berkhamsted final report.qxp

Building types. The Northchurch residential zone is primarily semi-detached buildings with both historical and newer terraced buildings on streets throughout ...

5b 21/01870/FUL Relocation of existing dilapidated drying shed and ...

historic buildings and little care seems to have been taken. Only a large number of local residents arriving on site prevented further damage. 3) when ...

Urban Capacity Study - Appendix B - Site Assessment Proformas ...

The site is not within 400m of an authorised or historic landfill site. Air ... Site is unlikely to impact upon any listed buildings or structures.

89 Site No.16 Rossway, south of Berkhamsted Location Rossway ...

Designations: (e.g. Scheduled Ancient Monuments, Conservation Area, Listed Buildings, EH. Register of Historic Parks & Gardens,Tree Preservation Orders ...

1 Un-designated Heritage Assets (Locally Listed Buildings) in ...

locally listed buildings and the former industrial heritage has informed the design and massing of these interventions. The houses on the west side of the ...

24. Bovingdon Place Strategy

Sep 25, 2013 ... in gently undulating farmland in the south of the borough. The village has a vibrant centre characterised by historic buildings and a good ...

East Hemel Hempstead Area Action Plan Strategic Environmental ...

heritage and archaeology. Percentage of historic buildings and structures open to the public. Numbers of historic assets taken from the. „at risk‟ category.