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Page 7 of results for query 'Housing'

Decision - Help to Rent Policy and Housing Allocation Policy ...

Sep 30, 2020 ... Decision: To approve the amendments to Help to Move and Housing Allocation Policies, as detailed in this decision sheet.

Discretionary Housing Payment Policy

The discretionary housing payments scheme (DHP) allows the Council to give extra help to qualifying tenants in addition to the statutory housing benefit and ...

Supported Housing - Terms of Reference

1.2 The Supported Housing Forum (SHF) is part of the formal makeup of tenant involvement delivered by the Councils' housing service. This Terms of Reference ...

Agenda for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

To receive any declarations of interest. A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the ...

Housing benefits - Direct Earnings Attachments

Jan 21, 2020 ... Direct Earnings Attachments (DEAs) are a way in which we can recover debts. They require employers to make deductions from the salary of their ...

Supported Housing Action Plan

from all Housing Team Leaders. TL – Team Leader. T&L - Tenants and Leaseholders, Housing. SH – Supported Housing. Layna Warden (LW), Fiona Williamson (FW) ...

Foundations for the Future Interim Housing Asset Management ...

Mar 23, 2024 ... The Housing Asset Management Strategy will be supported by an effective action plan and governance arrangements to deliver outcomes needed.

Meeting of Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Jan 23, 2013 ... Housing-23-01-2013-Community Alarm Call Response Performance pdf icon PDF 141 K · Housing-23-01-2013-Housing Allocations Draft Policy - Appendix ...

Meeting of Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny Wednesday, 13th March, 2013 ... Documents available for browsing for meeting on 13/03/2013: Housing-13-03-2013 ...

Meeting of Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Documents available for browsing for meeting on 16/09/2015: Housing-16-09-2015-Agenda FRONT PAGE pdf icon PDF 242 K · Housing-16-09-2015-Agenda pdf icon ...