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Page 7 of results for query 'Landfill sites'

(Public Pack)Symbio Representations Agenda Supplement for ...

Apr 7, 2016 ... management facilities, and on sites and areas allocated for waste management, is ... This would help reduce the quantity of waste sent to landfill ...


Committed housing capacity is made up of identified sites, broad locations, ... There are few examples of contaminated land in the Borough (e.g. landfill.

Guidance Notes: Applying for a Scrap Metal Dealers Licence

Your licence may be revoked if you fail to inform us of changes to your sites or site managers. ... Landfill (England and Wales) Regulations 2002. • an ...

ITEM NUMBER: 5a 20/02021/MFA Construction of extra care (Class ...

existing waste management facilities, and on sites and areas allocated for ... waste will be diverted from landfill. The 'Waste Management Strategy ...

Agenda item - 4/03344/15/MFA - LAND ADJ APSLEY MILL ...

Mar 17, 2016 ... ... landfill, together with a site waste management plan (SWMP), shall ... · archeological sites and ancient monuments;. · an appraisal of ...


Jun 9, 2023 ... Refill Hertfordshire allows public places - such as cafés, pubs, takeaways and restaurants - to register as Refill Stations that will happily ...

Urban Capacity Study - Strategic Housing Land Availability ...

• The site partly or wholly consists of an authorised or historic landfill site. ... Many historic landfill sites were not subject to the strict level of ...

Dacorum Local Development Framework Core Strategy ...

unnecessary waste going to landfill sites, developers will be expected to avoid potentially polluting developments, the ... Management Policies, and Waste Site ...

Agenda item - 4/00595/18/MFA - CONSTRUCTION OF 5 RETAIL ...

· proposed finished levels or contours in relation to neighbouring sites ... landfill, together with a Site Waste Management plan (SWMP), shall have been ...

DBC Site Assessment Study - Addendum - November 2020

historical inert landfill has been identified on-site, considered to be a potential source of contamination that could impact redevelopment options ...