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Page 7 of results for query 'Music'

Agenda for Licensing of Alcohol and Gambling Sub-Committee on ...

... music and the extended hours for alcohol and late night refreshment and would be unable to consider any restrictions in regards to any of the existing ...

Template - Committee Report - Overview and Scrutiny

Oct 28, 2020 ... music events, particularly when the weather is good. Although we are 300+ metres away we can clearly the songs/music which I do not think it ...

Minutes Template

May 20, 2019 ... The applicants would be happy to remove live music from the licence and use Temporary Event Notices for live music events, but confirmed ...

Windrush 75

Jun 21, 2024 ... The ceremony was opened by the Mayor of Dacorum, Cllr William Allen and attendees enjoyed music, readings and prayers. On Friday 23 June ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Licensing of Alcohol and ...

Oct 27, 2021 ... Provision of similar entertainment to live music, recorded music ... music or recorded music remain in place, but are suspended between the hours ...

Agenda item - Consideration of objections to temporary event ...

The terminal hour for music is 4:00am Friday (i.e. early hours of Saturday morning) and then Music will take place between 1pm Saturday, and 2:00am Sunday ...

Register of interests, Councillor Isy Imarni

Jul 7, 2020 ... Music, dance, film and theatre productions including choreography, set and costume design. Cosmetics and beauty. Agriculture in relation to ...

Application No 1

Jun 16, 2021 ... events with outside amplified sound (live music, recorded music, speech, megaphones, cinema) should require special occasional licences and ...

Dear Sir/Madam,

Jan 5, 2013 ... Loud music again, heavy bass. Could hear words of songs. Loud music and bass again! Unable to enjoy. Television programme so went to bed ...

Musette Café - Noise Management Plan

Jul 1, 2021 ... without the need to raise their voices – therefore the music will always be ambient background music. Page 2. Annex A. Noise Monitoring ...