Search results

Page 7 of results for query 'Planning and development'

Inspector's Report, September 2002

Dec 21, 2018 ... Enter a search term: Home · Planning and development · Planning policies · Local Plan 1991-2011; Inspector's Report, September 2002 ...

LA4 Hanburys- Berkhamsted

Sep 26, 2017 ... Enter a search term: Home · Planning and development · Planning policies · Site Allocations · Local Allocations; LA4 Hanburys, Berkhamsted ...

Development on potentially contaminated land and/or for sensitive ...

185: β€œPlanning policies and decisions should also ensure that new development is appropriate for its location taking into account the likely effects ...

(Public Pack)Planning, Development & Regeneration Performance ...

Sep 13, 2016 ... Planning Enforcement. Performance has remained high. The Council's approved Local Enforcement Plan sets out priorities for investigations ...

Other documents

OT 4, Dacorum Development Programme 2011-2015 (PDF 648KB), January 2012 ; OT 5, Equalities Impact Assessment – Local Planning Framework (PDF 138KB), April 2012 ...

Open Space Study March 2008

β€œIn preparing Development Plans, planning authorities should: (v) Provide improved access for all to jobs, health, education, shops, leisure and community ...

East Hemel Hempstead Area Action Plan

Jul 18, 2016 ... Planning and development · Planning policies; East Hemel Hempstead Area Action Plan. East Hemel Hempstead Area Action Plan. Issues and Options ...

Trees and hedgerows

Feb 16, 2024 ... Planning - trees and hedges · Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) · Trees in conservation areas · Removal of trees and hedges · Trees on development ...

Agenda for Development Management on Thursday, 18th April ...

Minutes: Councillor Stevens asked Members to remember to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary or other Interests at the beginning of the relevant planning ...

S106 Planning Obligations

Apr 4, 2023 ... The monitoring fees are used to support the monitoring of agreements including: The maintenance and development of its planning obligations ...