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Page 7 of results for query 'Traveller sites'

Potential Sites & Local Development Plans Dacorum

SOUTH & WEST HERTS. GYPSY & TRAVELLER. STRATEGY. F ile. R e f: K. :\D. 11. 0. 41. 8. _G yp sy. _. S ite se le ctio n. \F ig u re s\R ev is e d. R ep.

Assessment by Dacorum Borough Council of its Pre-Submission ...

Planning policy for traveller sites. The CLG 'Planning policy for traveller sites' was published in 23 March 2012 and came into effect on 27 March 2012 ...

Pre-Submission Site Allocations Report of Representations

gypsy and traveller sites should then be dealt with in a separate standalone gypsy and traveller sites DPD based on an updated evidence base and proper ...

(Public Pack)Minutes Document for Development Management, 28 ...

Nov 28, 2019 ... seven pitch gypsy traveller sites, together with landscaping, roads, footpaths and cycleways, ecological mitigation, sustainable drainage ...

Berkhamsted Place Workshop Report October 2008

• Issue of housing sites vs traveller sites in south east Berkhamsted. ... Please see Figure 2, which identifies the Gypsy and traveller sites being.

Volume 3 February 2009 – July 2014 (draft Pre-Submission Stage)

Sep 26, 2014 ... consultation document and gypsy and traveller sites would be in it. The Core. Strategy set a minimum expectation for gypsy and traveller ...

Modifications to the Pre-Submission Site Allocations Development ...

Gypsy and Travellers. 6.33 National policy for Gypsies and Travellers is set out in the. Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (August 2015 March 2012). (PPTS) ...

Minutes Template

Dec 15, 2015 ... proposed gypsy and traveller sites had representatives on the panel too. He added that this report was to purely agree the settlement for ...

Councillor Imarni arrived at 7.35pm

Jan 20, 2016 ... DCLG 'Planning Policy for Traveller Sites' and 'Designing Gypsy and Traveller Sites ... The location of the Gypsy and Traveller site within the ...

Site Allocations - 2006-2031

Jul 12, 2017 ... Table 4 Existing Authorised Gypsy and Traveller Sites. 79. Table 5 Contribution to Social Infrastructure from Local Allocations and Strategic.