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Page 7 of results for query 'Universal Credit'

Housing & Communities Overview and Scrutiny Annual Review ...

Universal Credit Update. • Youth connections Update ... The on-going roll out of universal Credit required proper support planning to ensure our service.

Change of circumstances

Aug 18, 2023 ... Only use the form below if you have an active claim for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support. If you are not getting either of these and your ...


Sep 4, 2019 ... introduction of Universal Credit. Performance indicators are contained in Quarterly report extracted from Rocket, the performance-reporting ...

Sustainable Tenancies Strategy

Universal Credit is replacing most means tested benefits, including Housing. Benefit, Job Seekers Allowance and Working Tax Credits. This means our tenants will ...

Template - Committee Report - Cabinet

Nov 12, 2019 ... when most working age housing costs are being met by Universal Credit (UC) rather than HB. However, at present the majority of working age ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Finance and Resources ...

Jul 17, 2018 ... Universal Credit – how it works. 2.1. Universal Credit is a key part of the Government's welfare reform programme. When the concept was ...

Minutes Template

Jun 7, 2022 ... more of a Universal Credit issue. Those who can still claim housing benefit are of pension age or are in supported living. Cllr Tindall ...

Agenda item - Questions

Sep 30, 2015 ... ... Universal Credit to Dacorum which started from 21 September. This ... Credit Union will be launching a campaign in October 'Don't Get ...

Dacorum Borough Council Application for Mutual Exchange

criteria regulations and receive Housing Benefit or Universal Credit you will have to pay some of your rent – this is commonly known as 'bedroom tax.' You ...

Agenda for Council on Wednesday, 18th September, 2019, 7.30 pm

Cllr Woolner referred to roll out of universal credit in Dacorum causing some issues with a large number of recipients becoming in rent arrears; it follows ...