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Page 8 of results for query 'Core Strategy'

Dacorum Local Development Framework Strategic Environmental ...

May 3, 2006 ... The Core Strategy has an important role to play in contributing to the objective of reducing energy consumption. Increasing energy ...

Local Plan 1991-2011

Nov 12, 2019 ... The Core Strategy (adopted 2013) does not replace all of the policies contained within the Local Plan 1991-2011. Many of the policies within the ...

Population Projections and the Core Strategy Background ...

1.2 The Council does not produce its own population forecasts. However, many other bodies do produce forecasts that we can use to inform our. Core Strategy ...

Dacorum Borough Council Core Strategy Examination in Public 2012

The Core Strategy is clearly unsound with respect to both planning positively for objectively assessed housing needs as required by the NPPF (para.

Dacorum Local Development Framework Core Strategy ...

National Planning Policy Framework (2012). The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government‟s economic, environmental and social ...

Dacorum Local Development Framework Core Strategy ...

Strategic locations. West Hemel Hempstead (South). Page 27. E-25. Policy CS17: Housing Programme. Dacorum Draft Core Strategy Options for Growth. The ...


Sep 25, 2013 ... 27.2 The policies of the Core Strategy are critical for the delivery of the vision and strategic objectives. However, the Core Strategy does not ...

Dacorum Borough Council Core Strategy Examination in Public 2012

Policy. CS19 of the Core Strategy only requires 35% of new dwellings to be affordable. The proposed rate of growth would only deliver 150 affordable ...


Sep 25, 2013 ... The Core Strategy sets out the planning framework for guiding the location and level of development with the borough over the next 20 years. It ...

Area Action Plan documents

Sep 21, 2022 ... ... Strategic Environmental Assessment) Working Note, June 2009, Dacorum Borough Council. AA 3, Emerging Core Strategy and East Hemel Hempstead Area ...