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Page 8 of results for query 'Data'

Privacy policy - Revenues, Benefits and Fraud

May 11, 2023 ... UK Data Protection Act Schedule 2 Part 1 (2)(1)(a)-(c), Local ... Our Data Protection Officer for the purposes of Articles 37 to 39 of ...

Privacy Policy for Licensing

... Data subject has given consent to processing”. In this case, we are ... Personal Data that are inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which they ...

South West Hertfordshire Joint Strategic Plan Privacy Policy

Aug 18, 2022 ... Kingdom's General Data Protection Regulation ('GDPR') and the Data Protection Act 2018. The software platform this website runs on and ...

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies | Hertfordshire County ...

Transport and accident data · Speed awareness and driver training · Recycling ... Freedom of information and council data · Cost of living help · Complain ...

Dacorum Citizens' Panel Gypsies and Travellers Potential Site ...

This is theа'valid data'. If we consider question A1 above, 75 of the 100 responses should be considered 'valid data'. The percentage splits can then be ...

Environmental Services privacy policy

Apr 8, 2024 ... This privacy notice explains how Dacorum Borough Council (the Data Controller) will use any personal information we collect about you when you ...

Quarterly Performance by GM Service

No Data. Info Only. Owner. Info only. CSG04 - Litter Area inspections up to standard. Craig Thorpe. Shirley. Hermitage. 120 Inspections. No Target. 120 ...

Privacy policy for Home Energy Efficiency Grants and Social ...

Sep 28, 2022 ... When you submit a referral form you are sending your information to Dacorum Borough Council (as the Data controller). The data on this form is ...

Planning: Development Management Privacy Policy

... data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes;”. We are collecting personal information so ...

OSC Finance and Resources Quarterly Performance

No Data. Target: 45. No Data. Target: 45. 50. Target: 45. Owner. This equates to a satisfaction rate of. 71%. Overall Group managers are generally satisfied ...