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Page 8 of results for query 'Death'

Finance & Resources Action Plan Updates

Sep 3, 2013 ... The amount of the original loan will be repaid when the property is sold or upon the death of the borrower (unless the loan is transferred to a ...

Operational Risk Report

Aug 18, 2014 ... Death or injury to staff; residents or contractors' staff; reputation; litigation and charges of corporate manslaughter. Service specific H ...

Operational Risk Report

Death or injury to staff; residents or contractors' staff; reputation; litigation and charges of corporate manslaughter. - Service specific health and safety ...

Selling animals as pets guidance

(g) the date of the animal's death (if applicable). (2) Where an animal is undergoing any medical treatment—. (a) this fact must be clearly indicated—. (i) in ...

Minutes Template

May 16, 2018 ... A one minute silence was observed to mark the death of Janet Sweetingham. (councillor 1987-1995) who had recently passed away. 1. THE MAYOR.

Proposed Development at Gorhambury: Hemel Hempstead East

We do not however exclude our liability (if any) for personal injury or death resulting from our negligence, for fraud or any other matter in relation to.

HOUSING & COMMUNITY Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Nov 8, 2023 ... 1.1 Following the coroners report into the death of 2 year old Awaab Ishak in December 2020, the government announced plans to make major ...

Breeding of dogs - general conditions

(vi) the death or escape of an animal (including the storage of carcasses); ... (k) the date and cause of its death (where applicable). (10). In addition to ...

Statement of Intent | Dacorum Borough Council

excess winter deaths and improve the energy efficiency of homes across ... *Table 4 source: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Quality ...

Minutes Template

Mar 11, 2020 ... One of the reasons the death rate appeared so high in China was due to the fact you were only tested if you were hospitalised and those were ...