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Page 8 of results for query 'Disabled badges (parking)'

Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Jun 7, 2022 ... disabled badge holder only bays restricted to a three hour maximum stay with no return within three hours and also Pay to Park bays. The ...


Dec 12, 2023 ... charging policies do not apply to any blue badge parking spaces/bays, as these will remain free to use when legally displaying a blue badge.

Template - Committee Report - Cabinet

Oct 18, 2016 ... Free parking in all DBC car parks for disabled drivers' badge ... Free parking in The Nap car park and Langley Hill car park, Kings. Langley.

Parking - Ebberns Road Consultation Report

... disability badges who should marked allocated bays in the street. Other residents of the street should have free parking permits issued for one vehicle only.

Dacorum Borough Council

Oct 20, 2020 ... The most recent guidance on provision of disabled parking for non-residential parking is in ... Blue badge parking is part of the overall total of.

Template - Overview and Scrutiny Report

Sep 19, 2018 ... Gardens car parks. 3. Blue badge parking. Report references. 5.1. 5.3. 5.6. Executive. Summary: • The Parking, Access and Movement project puts.

Notes of Key Decisions/Actions Meeting: Cabinet Date: Tuesday, 16 ...

Oct 16, 2018 ... required to prevent blue badge parking along Bridge Street, west of. Waterhouse Street and to seek delegated authority from HCC to. Page 2. 2.

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Cabinet, 24/02/2016 19:00

Feb 9, 2016 ... new taxi rank, blue badge and short stay parking bays, we have encountered some disabled badge parking issues on the remaining double yellow ...


Jul 18, 2023 ... of free car park spaces /spaces that ... badge parking spaces/bays as these will remain free to use when legally displaying a blue badge.

Agenda for Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny ...

One issue is that it would remove the disabled parking but this does currently cause congestion. ... blue badge holders who have already been affected by the taxi ...