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Page 8 of results for query 'Empty homes'

Yearly Performance Report - Housing Landlord 2013

We are working closely with MITIE to improve repair times in voids. We are in the process of recruiting an Empty homes Lead Officer to oversee the whole of ...

OSC Report - Housing & Community - Housing Landlord Dec-2020

Empty Homes Working Group. Consider long term contract position as a result of outsourcing to additional contractors to. 3 | 1 | 0. SH03b - Average time.


Nov 13, 2013 ... The consequence is that more tenants are choosing to report repairs with a confidence that they will be completed . Empty Homes – Void Repairs.

Template - Overview and Scrutiny Report

Oct 10, 2018 ... process and direct offers in relation to the performance of Empty Homes ... As part of the Lettings and Empty homes process each property is ...

Property and Place Measure Code Measure Name This Quarter ...

Dec 31, 2021 ... Empty Homes team are participating in weekly meeting to improve performance. This has resulted in an Improvement. Tracker which is to be ...

Housing & Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Aug 24, 2023 ... The team are continuing to work with the Empty Homes Team to prioritise all direct offer Dacorum Borough Council properties where possible.

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Housing and Community ...

Jul 1, 2020 ... 2.8 Generally throughout the social housing sector, the average empty homes key to key data removes those properties requiring major works ...

Dacorum BC, Three Rivers DC and Watford BC Urban Capacity ...

Jan 1, 2005 ... information on empty homes, data on past rates of conversion of houses into flats and small scale residential infilling. This review has ...

Report for: Housing & Communities Overview & Scrutiny Committee ...

Mar 4, 2020 ... 8 The lettings of all types of properties had been impacted by some empty homes works taking longer than initially scheduled, which resulted ...

OSC Report - Housing & Community Department - Housing ...

Empty Homes more closely. Performance in relation to empty homes will be reported to Strategic. Core Group. 0 | 2 | 2. SH07a - Number of new housing advice ...