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Page 8 of results for query 'Flooding'

Non-Domestic Rate Relief Guidance Manual

The discount will be awarded only where the flooding was caused by the winter adverse weather conditions and not, for instance, from the failure of a water ...

Full page fax print

specific, local planning authorities will nevertheless need to consult the. Environment Agency on individual applications. Users should note that the flood.


Jun 24, 2014 ...Flood support relief and discount – 100% relief from business rates or council tax for 3 months for premises which were affected by flooding.

Side Ley, Kegworth

Jan 8, 2009 ... It is likely. Page 10. BSP Consulting. 08543/FRDC. Proposed Residential Development, Icknield Way, Tring. Flood Risk & Drainage Constraints. 10.

We write to formerly object to planning application to build in the ...

Sep 8, 2016 ... There is a history of flooding in the area. Please see photos ... prevent the Farmhouse flooding. I trust this will be maintained, as ...

L Gilbert

Apr 29, 2015 ... Therefore, we cannot rely on the results of the Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) or be confident that flood risk will not be increased as a result of ...

Agenda item - 20/03908/FUL - Garage Site At Housewood End ...

Feb 18, 2021 ... The surface water drainage system will be based on the submitted the Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy reference M03001-04_FR04 dated ...

DBC Site Assessment Study - Addendum - November 2020

Flood Zone 3 High Probability of fluvial flooding on the Environment Agency Flood Map for Planning and a site- specific Flood Risk Assessment would be ...

Issue - items at meetings - 20/03908/FUL - Garage Site At ...

Feb 18, 2021 ... The surface water drainage system will be based on the submitted the Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy reference M03001-04_FR04 dated ...

Agenda item - 4/02678/15/FUL LOXLEY FARM, CHAPEL LANE ...

Sep 8, 2016 ... ... flooding to the proposed development and future occupants in ... There shall be no raising of existing ground levels within Flood Zone 2 or Flood ...