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Page 8 of results for query 'Housing'

Meeting of Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Documents available for browsing for meeting on 10/09/2014: Housing-10-09-2014-Agenda pdf icon PDF 3 M · Housing-10-09-2014-Item 10 - Appendix A pdf icon ...

Agenda for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Mar 3, 2021 ... 12. Declarations of Interest. To receive any declarations of interest. A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a personal interest in ...

First Refusal Offer Notice

In accordance with Regulation 12 of The Housing (Right of First Refusal) (England) Regulations 2005 and in relation to the property to which this notice ...

Strategic Housing Market Assessment Report Executive Summary

ii. There have been significant changes since the start of this study, including the impacts of the recession on the housing market and, in 2009, ...

Agenda for Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny on ...

Mar 4, 2020 ... FJump responded that rent & Council Tax wouldn't be impacted by slippage. Cllr England suggested that empty homes would impact the Council's ...

Browse meetings - Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny

The Committee will consist of 14 Members of the Council, subject to any variation which may be agreed from time to time at any meeting of full Council. Each ...

Home ownership schemes - Housing

Jul 11, 2024 ... The Government offers several schemes to help you buy your own home. Find out more about which schemes are available and whether you may be ...

Social Sector Size Criteria

Jan 21, 2020 ... Housing Benefit for council and housing association tenants. If you cannot find the answer to your question in these pages, please email us ...

Housing Land Availability Paper

1.3 The Government is committed to allowing greater freedom for local authorities to set their own housing target rather than relying on Regional Spatial ...

Housing Land Availability Paper

To establish a robust methodology for considering housing land supply in. Dacorum;. •. To review work in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment.